Real web type in real web context

Web Font Specimen is a handy, free resource web designers and type designers can use to see how typefaces will look on the web. Debuted in a special issue of A List Apart, Web Font Specimen is in its second iteration. Now available in Cyrillic, too.

View a demo specimenRead the ALA article

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Typekit The easiest way to use real fonts on your website is now the easiest way to use Web Font Specimen—it’s built right in.


This favelet from Soma Design lets you experiment with the typography of any CSS-typeset page on the fly. Try it with Web Font Specimen.

Prepare your own web font specimen in three easy steps

  1. Grab the specimen

    Downloadthe specimen

    It’s a few small files, plus instructions so you know where to add a typeface. Download the 9k zip.

    Current version: 2.0

  2. Add a typeface

    These typefaces are each licensed for use with the CSS @font-face rule in some capacity.

  3. Study & test

    Lorem ipsum rendered in several unnamed browsers.

    Browser rendering will vary.


    Browser test with Litmus. Set up an account and test in 23 browsers.